Custom Web Development
DevFortress collaborated with ScienceReach to enhance their web platform, which serves as a bridge between students, researchers, and community organizations. By finishing incomplete functionalities and expanding new features, DevFortress helped ScienceReach provide an easy-to-use system for accessing local knowledge and data, empowering researchers to address pressing community issues more effectively.


ScienceReach is dedicated to helping students and researchers overcome the challenge of accessing local knowledge crucial for impactful research. Through their platform, they collect and validate publications from community organizations, offering researchers and students access to localized insights and data not typically found in academic literature. ScienceReach’s goal is to enable research that focuses on community-specific challenges, ensuring that academic projects are grounded in real-world local issues.
ScienceReach needed a more robust and user-friendly platform to support its mission of providing community-based research insights. DevFortress was tasked with finishing the platform’s core functionalities, fixing bugs from previous development, and expanding features to ensure smooth publication, validation, and searchability of local data. Our team’s challenge was to ensure that community organizations could easily upload and share localized knowledge, and researchers could seamlessly access this information for their academic work.


DevFortress completed the core functionalities of the ScienceReach platform, fixing critical bugs and creating new features that improved user experience for both community organizations and researchers. With a refined publishing process and enhanced searchability, the platform now allows organizations to contribute local insights and make them accessible to academics and policymakers alike. This solution helped ScienceReach strengthen its mission of bridging the gap between academic research and community knowledge.